Media Releases

HAMILTON, ON – April 29, 2020 – Every Friday at noon treat yourself to a virtual concert, courtesy We’ve moved our usual stage at Central Library to our website, for now; we’re determined to keep the music playing for Hamilton.

HAMILTON, ON – Monday April 27, 2020 – With a Hamilton Public Library card, you now have access to three times as many eBooks and eAudiobooks — 211,400 digital titles, to be exact.

HAMILTON, ON – Tuesday April 14, 2020 – On Thursday April 16, at noon, Hamilton Public Library launches Hamilton Reads 2020. The one book everyone in the city should read this year is Moon of the Crusted Snow by Waubgeshig Rice.

Toronto, ON February 27, 2020 — CCBC Library Collections Find New Homes at Ryerson University and Hamilton Public Library. The Canadian Children’s Book Centre (CCBC) is thrilled to announce that a home has been found for the CCBC’s regional collection at the Ryerson University Library and Hamilton Public Library.

HAMILTON, ON – February 6, 2020– Hamilton Public Library (HPL) today announced the generous donation of the TD Canada Trust bank branch building and property in Carlisle to the Hamilton Public Library.

Hamilton, Ontario – May 1, 2019 – The Hamilton Music Archives officially launches Friday May 3 at 1:00pm, at the Central Library. The Archives include diverse collections that illustrate the 100+ year history of Hamilton’s music scene and its contributors, spanning many genres of music.

Hamilton, Ontario – January 17, 2019 – As of February 18 (Family Day) entry into the City’s eight museums is free when you show your Hamilton Public Library (HPL) card.

Hamilton, Ontario – December 7, 2018 – The Hamilton Public Library will assume responsibility for The Red Book, as Information Hamilton’s Board of Directors has decided to wind down operations in early 2019.

HAMILTON, ON – Dec 1, 2018 – More than 150 high school and university students converge at Central Library on Saturday and Sunday Dec 8-9 for Hack the Hammer’s Urban Hacks Hackathon. Within 30 hours they will design solutions to major urban challenges using City of Hamilton open source data. A hackathon is best described as an invention marathon where participants learn, build and share creations over a short time.

HAMILTON, ON – October 9, 2018 – Hamilton Public Library and The Tower Poetry Society (TPS) invite poetry lovers to Central Library this Friday October 12 from 1-3pm for the launch of the Tower Poetry Society Archive. The collection will be housed in Hamilton Public Library’s Local History & Archives (LH&A).
