Mount Hope Branch - Photocopy and Scanning Unavailable
Photocopying and scanning are currently not available at Mount Hope Branch. Printing is available. Estimated time of disruption is unknown. Thank you for your patience.
Printing Unavailable- Concession branch
Printing is not available at the Concession Branch today, Tuesday March 11. Estimated time of disruption is unknown at this time. Thank you for your patience.
Phishing Scheme
Please be aware of online phishing attempts impersonating Hamilton Public Library and Library Staff. HPL does not solicit paid freelance opportunities through social media or other messaging applications. HPL does not request personal or banking information through social media or require financial compensation when reviewing job applications. Please report phishing schemes to If you think you are a victim of fraud, please call the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at 1-888-495-8501.
Turner Park Branch - Large Format Printer Unavailable
The large format printer at Turner Park is currently unavailable. Please utilize our other Makerspace locations if needed. We will advise once it is restored to service.
Roadwork near Barton Branch
Starting Monday March 17, the City of Hamilton begins roadwork on Wilson Street and Sherman Avenue. The construction will be completed in stages until December 2025. There may be traffic delays if you are planning to visit the Barton Branch.
The Rights of Youth in the Public Library Policy
Ontario Library Association’s Position on Teen’s Rights in the Public Library
Teens in Ontario Public Libraries have the right to:
Intellectual freedom
The library establishes clear policy statements concerning the right to free access by young adults to library resources and information sources; and respect for the rights of young adults to select materials appropriate to their needs without censorship. The library’s teen collection, policies and services should be consistent with the concepts of intellectual freedom defined by the Canadian Federation of Library Association, Ontario Library Association and Ontario Human Rights code.
Equal access to the full range of materials, services, and programs specifically designed and developed to meet their unique needs
The Library integrates library service to teens into the overall plan, budget and service program for the library. Library service to teens is integrated with those offered to other user groups.
Adequate funding for collections and services related to population, use and local community needs
The Library incorporates funding for materials and services for teens in the library operating budget and ensures there is equitable distribution of resources to support programs and services for young adults.
Collections that specifically meet the needs of teens
The Library provides a wide spectrum of current materials of interest to young adults to encourage lifelong learning, literacy, reading motivation, and reader development.
The library endeavors to develop collections that encourage leisure reading, support homework and school success and responds to gender and cultural diversity. The library provides unfettered access to technology including social networking, licensed databases, and other online library resources for teens.
A library environment that complements their physical and developmental stages
The Library provides identifiable spaces for teens that are separate from children’s spaces where possible, reflects their lifestyle and allows for teens to use this library space for leisure or study, either independently or in groups.
Welcoming, respectful, supportive service at every service point
The Library promotes friendly, positive, non-biased customer interactions with teens, providing staff development and training and ensures that services for teens embrace cultural and gender diversity and economic differences. Library staff will endeavor to respect the teen’s need for privacy and nonjudgmental service and assist young adults in acquiring the skills to effectively access all library resources and become information literate.
Library Programs and Services appropriate for Teens
The Library fosters youth development by providing programs for teens that contribute to literacy, life-long learning and healthy youth development. The library endeavors to provide volunteer opportunities for helping others through community service hours including participating on Library Advisory Boards, and other projects that help develop a sense of responsibility and community involvement. The library’s teen services initiatives are effectively managed according to best practices in the field of Youth Services.
Trained and knowledgeable staff specializing in teen services
Library staff is knowledgeable about adolescent development and age-appropriate resources for young adults inclusive of those with special needs. The library provides services by teen specialists as well as by others who are trained to serve teens.
An advocate who will speak on their behalf to the library administration, library board, municipal council and community to make people aware of the goals of teen services
The Library works in partnership with other community agencies and organizations to support all aspects of healthy, successful youth development.
Library policies are written to include the needs of the youth
Publish Date
May 2021