Spring Forward - Sunday, March 9
Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 9 at 2 am. Move your clocks one hour ahead before you head to bed. It's also a good time to check and/or replace the batteries in your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.
Turner Park Branch - Large Format Printer Unavailable
The large format printer at Turner Park is currently unavailable. Please utilize our other Makerspace locations if needed. We will advise once it is restored to service.
Roadwork near Barton Branch
Starting Monday March 17, the City of Hamilton begins roadwork on Wilson Street and Sherman Avenue. The construction will be completed in stages until December 2025. There may be traffic delays if you are planning to visit the Barton Branch.
Photography and Filming Policy
Policy Purpose
This policy establishes the terms and conditions for Hamilton Public Library (HPL) Staff and public use of Library spaces for still photography, filming and/or videography. The policy applies to all forms of photography and filming for personal, educational, commercial, news media and promotional purposes.
Key Points Summary
HPL recognizes that today’s technology supports personal photography and videography and allows free unrestricted use of its space for personal, individual, or casual photography and filming using a singular hand-held device.
As a public space, the Library does not dictate what individuals photograph or film for personal use, but requests that Members are respectful of others and strongly recommends obtaining permission.
HPL will obtain release permission from individuals to use identifiable names, images or videos in the library’s promotional materials. The Library will post photo/filming notices when capturing photos or filming events, programs, etc. These notices constitute consent from those entering the premises to be photographed or filmed and to the release of publication.
All third parties must secure their permissions and releases directly from the individuals they wish to film in addition to physical postings and notices during events.
HPL reserves the right to prohibit any photography or filming for any reason that may be disruptive to operations, individuals or library safety.
All non-personal photography and filming, including news media, are coordinated by the Library’s Communications Department.
Personal Photography or Filming
Photography or filming intended for personal, individual and occasional use without commercial objective or to make profit. Usually carried out on smart phones and singular hand-held devices.
Non-Commercial (News Media) Photography or Filming
Photography or film footage captured by accredited news agencies for use in print, broadcast, or online publications.
Non-Commercial (Student Research) Photography or Filming
Photography or filming without commercial objective including student research for purpose of academic achievement for use in print, broadcast, or online publications.
Commercial Photography or Filming
Photography, film, video, digital or other technology to broadcast or publicly exhibit for profit or to advertise a product or service.
Policy Details
HPL recognizes that today’s technology supports personal photography and videography and allows free unrestricted photography and filming for personal, individual, or casual use.
Personal photography and filming in the Library spaces is limited to the use of singular hand-held devices, such as smart phones, and is subject to the following restrictions:
- No interfering with Library Staff or the public
- No interfering with library operations or the safety of visitors
- No tripods, drones or lighting equipment permitted
- No dominating or blocking pathways or spaces
HPL strongly advises against photographing or filming other library visitors without their permission.
The Library reserves the right to stop personal photography or filming at any time and may request non-compliant persons to leave the premises if complaints are received about disruptive practices.
Non-Commercial (News Media) Photography and Filming Policy
HPL has an open-door policy for accredited news media photographers, videographers and journalists covering news about the Library, its services and its programs. Media are requested to check in with the Communications Department prior to arrival.
Non-Commercial (Student Research) Photography and Filming Policy
The Library welcomes students working on non-profit photography or filming projects for academic or research purposes. Students must obtain prior approval from the Library’s Communications Department to coordinate time and location and avoid disruption to Library operations.
Commercial Photography and Filming Policy
Commercial photography or filming is subject to a location fee and requires pre-approval via request to the Communications Department. HPL evaluates requests based on project type, time, duration of the shoot, opportunity to showcase library spaces or services, impact on library operations and insurance credentials. HPL coordinates commercial filming with City of Hamilton Film Office.
Library-Initiated Promotional Photography and Filming
Often, HPL staff collect images and videos to be used for promotional use such as brochures, flyers, web pages, news releases, and to send to media outlets and event participants. The Library will obtain Photo/Video release permission from individuals or from parents/guardians of persons under 18 years old to use their names or images for Library-related promotional materials or publicity.
The Library will post filming notices when capturing images and videos of library events, programming and services, constituting consent from those entering the premises to be photographed or filmed and to the release of publication, exhibition and reproduction of any and all recorded media. Individuals not wishing to be photographed or filmed must explicitly request so from Library Staff.
Copyright and Individual Permissions
If Library photography or filming permissions are granted, individuals must also secure their own permissions/releases directly from any identifiable individuals they wish to film in addition to any filming notices that may be posted throughout the Library.
Photography or Filming of the Library's materials and resources may be permitted with pre-approval from Library Communications. Additional copyright permissions may be required and must be obtained by the individual from the author or publisher of the material.
Related Documents
Privacy Policy for Library Members
Photography or Filming Request Procedure
Hamilton Music and Film Office Website
Publish Date
February 2023