Barton Branch Accessible Washroom Out of Order
The accessible washroom at Barton Branch is not working. We aim to get it fixed quickly.
Barton Branch - Roof Renovation
From March 12 to April 8, the Barton Branch will undergo roof repairs. There may be limited parking and noise disruptions. Thank you for your patience.
Concession Branch - Photocopying and Scanning Temporarily Not Available
As of Thursday, March 13th photocopying and scanning are temporarily not available at the Concession Branch. The estimated time of disruption is unknown. Thank you for your patience.
Mount Hope Branch - Photocopying, Printing, and Scanning Temporarily Not Available
As of Tuesday, March 11, photocopying, printing, and scanning are temporarily not available at the Mount Hope Branch. The estimated time of disruption is unknown. Thank you for your patience.
Phishing Scheme
Please be aware of online phishing attempts impersonating Hamilton Public Library and Library Staff. HPL does not solicit paid freelance opportunities through social media or other messaging applications. HPL does not request personal or banking information through social media or require financial compensation when reviewing job applications. Please report phishing schemes to If you think you are a victim of fraud, please call the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at 1-888-495-8501.
Turner Park Branch - Large Format Printer Unavailable
The large format printer at Turner Park is currently unavailable. Please utilize our other Makerspace locations if needed. We will advise once it is restored to service.
Roadwork near Barton Branch
Starting Monday March 17, the City of Hamilton begins roadwork on Wilson Street and Sherman Avenue. The construction will be completed in stages until December 2025. There may be traffic delays if you are planning to visit the Barton Branch.
Spectator File Grey Cup. 1957-1973
Spectator negatives S File Grey Cup 1957 - 1973
1953 Ti Cats v Blue Bombers Grey Cup
1957 Grey Cup Game. Ham v Winnipeg
Nov. 28, 1959 Grey Cup Game. Ham v Winnipeg
1961 Grey Cup Game and Festivities
1961 Grey Cup Game
1962 Grey Cup. many negs missing re C.P. Toronto
1963 Ti-Cats Win Grey Cup
1964 Grey Cup
Nov. 1965 Pre Grey Cup File
1965 Ti Cats Winn Grey Cup
1967 Grey Cup Game - Parade. Ti Cat Winners and Festivities
1968 Grey Cup Festivities and Game. Ottawa v Calgary
Dec. 1, 1969 Grey Cup. Montreal. Ottawa v Sask. Sask wins
Nov. 2-, 1970 Grey Cup
Dec. 1972 #5 Grey Cup. Half Time Show
Dec. 1972 #6 Miss Grey Cup. Dinner L. Green. also Thors. Cheerleaders
Dec. #7 Hall of Fame. Grey Cup
1972 #8 1972 Grey Cup. After Parade downtown
Dec. 1972 #9 Grey Cup fans & cheerleaders
Dec. 1972 #10 Grey Cup. Christian Happening at Mac. Philharmonic at Mac
1973 Ottawa vs Edmonton. Ed. wins. Grey Cup 1973 at Toronto