Spring Forward - Sunday, March 9
Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 9 at 2 am. Move your clocks one hour ahead before you head to bed. It's also a good time to check and/or replace the batteries in your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.
Turner Park Branch - Large Format Printer Unavailable
The large format printer at Turner Park is currently unavailable. Please utilize our other Makerspace locations if needed. We will advise once it is restored to service.
Roadwork near Barton Branch
Starting Monday March 17, the City of Hamilton begins roadwork on Wilson Street and Sherman Avenue. The construction will be completed in stages until December 2025. There may be traffic delays if you are planning to visit the Barton Branch.
Service Fees Policy
Policy Purpose
Hamilton Public Library (HPL) charges fees in accordance with the Public Libraries Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.44. In doing so, HPL strives to balance its priority for equitable access with financial accountability. The purpose of this policy is to ensure Library Staff and the public are aware of the types of fees charged, how they are calculated, the approval process and where they can be accessed.
Key Points Summary
- The Chief Librarian/CEO has the authority to approve revisions to all fees for reasons such as the addition of new services, changes in costs incurred by HPL to provide paid services or for any other reason that is deemed necessary. All fees are charged in compliance with the Public Libraries Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.44.
- Fees are posted on the website and include the date of the last revision.
- Fees are reviewed on a yearly basis as part of the budget process and are submitted to the Library Board for approval during that process.
- Fees are levied on a cost recovery basis and include the following main categories:
- Non-resident fees.
- Damaged or lost materials and equipment including for reasons such as abuse of service.
- Fees related to Interlibrary Loan service, including pre-established shipping costs, overdue costs and replacement costs of lost material.
- Printing, photocopying and Makerspace fees.
- Local History & Archives image reproduction fees.
- Program room and space rental fees including additional fees re;ated to those services.
- Fee-based ticketed events.
- Borrowing privileges for physical materials are suspended once a designated number of overdue materials have not been returned to the library. Please see the Borrowing Policy.
- Service fees can be accessed online.
Commercial Use applies to images that are intended for resale or reproduction in advertising, items for resale or other revenue generating enterprises. Examples include, but are not limited to: merchandise, books for sale (including textbooks and academic publications), periodicals and journals with paid subscriptions, commercial websites, etc. Purchase of images for commercial use provides non-exclusive, one-time use for one year. Hamilton Public Library and its designates retain the right to solely determine if the intended use is non-commercial or commercial
Digital Equipment refers to technology devices and accessories available for loan or use at a Makerspace, Library collections or at any Library location.
Fees are charges related to service fees, room rentals, or recovery costs for damaged or lost materials and equipment.
Library Materials are items that can be borrowed from the Library, such as books, DVDs, magazines or video games. Library Materials can also include non-traditional Items (i.e. kits, passes, devices, etc.) or items acquired through the Interlibrary Loan service
Services are resources or programs that the Library offers, such as printing and Local History and Archives image reproduction.
Makerspace refers to a range of digital creative services such as 3D printing, and digitization including sound and photo studios that are available at many Library locations.
Non-Commercial Use applies to images intended for artistic, educational, and/or personal projects that will not be marketed or sold for monetary compensation. Examples include, but are not limited to: presentations, personal research, websites/blogs (personal, civic and/or non-profit), remix projects, academic research papers (theses/dissertations), newscasts, newsletters, brochures, etc. Hamilton Public Library and its designates retain the right to solely determine if the intended use is non-commercial or commercial.
Policy Details
Types of fees charged:
Hamilton Public Library charges fees in accordance with the Public Libraries Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.44. Fees are levied on a cost recovery basis and are regularly updated to reflect changes in costs and types of services offered.
Fees are charged for the following main categories:
- Non-resident fees.
- Damaged or lost materials and equipment including for reasons such as abuse of service.
- Fees related to Interlibrary Loan service, including pre-established shipping costs, overdue costs and replacement costs of lost material.
- Printing, photocopying and Makerspace fees.
- Local History and Archives image reproduction fees.
- Program room and space rental fees including additional fees related to those services.
- Fee-based ticketed events with community partners: Occasionally HPL hosts fee-based ticketed events with partners. Ticket prices are determined based on affordability and accessibility, in agreement with the programing partner.
Authority to change fees:
The Cheif Librarian/CEO has the authority to approve revisions to all fees for reasons such as the addition of new services, changes in costs incurred by HPL to provide paid services or for any other reason that is deemed necessary. Fees are reviewed on a yearly basis as part of the budget process and are submitted to the Library Board for approval during that process.
Posting of fees:
Fees are posted on the website at Service Fees | HPL.
How to pay fees:
Members can pay fees online or at a service desk at any location.
Approval Date
November 2024