Ontario Provincial Election 2025

Vote Ontario

Ontario’s 44th provincial election is February 27.

Voters across the province can also cast their ballots at advanced polls on February 20, 21 and 22 or by mail. The deadline to apply by mail is February 21 by 6pm. More information about the election, including when and where to vote and examples of accepted ID is available at elections.on.ca.

HPL is hosting election-day polling stations at Central Library and Sherwood Branch 9am-9pm and advanced polling at Central Library 10am-6pm.

Information tables hosted by Elections Ontario representatives will be set up at:

Location Icon
Valley Park Branch Tue Feb 11 6-8pm
Waterdown Branch Wed Feb 12 9-11am 
Turner Park Branch Fri Feb 14 9-11am.


Icon elections Canadian citizens who will be 18 years of age or older on election day are eligible to vote. Voters are encouraged to confirm, update, or add their information at RegisterToVoteON.ca. You will be mailed a voter information card with information on when, where, and how to vote.
To find out who is running in your riding, visit the CandidateSearch page on the Elections Ontario site.