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Naming Opportunities Policy

Naming a room or facility in recognition of a significant financial donation

The Library Board may initiate the naming of a room for fundraising purposes.

Recommendations for naming a room after an individual or organization in recognition of a significant financial donation will be presented to the Library Board after the Director of Public Service and Community Development prepares an evaluation of the naming opportunity.

Requests to name a room or facility to recognize a donation or bequest are evaluated by the following criteria:

  • The name should be appropriate for a public library.
  • In the case of an individual, agreement to the naming proposal must be confirmed with the individual to be named, and if deceased, by the immediate family.
  • The physical condition of the room or facility must be assessed to ensure that it projects a positive image of the donor.

The proposed naming opportunity should complement the purpose of the donation. When a naming opportunity is to be established as part of a capital campaign, the monetary value of the donation must be considered in relationship to the entire building/renovation cost and not just the portion that is raised by a fundraising campaign.

To proceed with the naming opportunity, the Director of Public Service and Community Development will be authorized to initiate the following actions:

  • Determine specific placement of appropriate signage for the designated room or facility
  • Prepare draft wording and a cost estimate to produce the signage
  • When final copy and design is approved by the donor, produce and install the signage
  • Determine what type of ceremony/reception, if any, is to accompany installation of signage and/or opening/renaming ceremonies of the room/facility.

Publish Date

March 2018