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Accessibility for Individuals with a Disability

Policy Details

Accessibility Plan and Report

The Hamilton Public Library endeavours to work with the City of Hamilton to complete and submit a Multi-Year Accessibility Plan Report. As of 2021, Hamilton Public Library has completed its Multi-Year Accessibility Plan Report independently from the City of Hamilton. The Multi-Year Accessibility Report details strategies, initiatives and activities to reach the organization’s goals of creating an accessible organization and delivering exceptional and accessible services. The document also reports on progress made during the year including measures the Library has taken to identify, remove and prevent physical and attitudinal obstacles and promote free movement of persons with disabilities in a manner that is consistent with regulations, standards or codes of practice. The report sets out measures and deliverables proposed for the year ahead. As the library reviews policies, practices and services accessibility for persons with disabilities will be considered.

Consultation and Feedback

The Hamilton Public Library will consult with members of the public and community stakeholders when considering or reviewing customer service practices, service delivery channels, types of services and new buildings or renovations to current buildings. Public meetings for the purpose of consultation will be advertised in advance, will be held in accessible locations and accessibility services will be provided when a request is received in advance of the meeting. Additionally, the Hamilton Public Library will have in place a procedure for receiving and responding to feedback about how it provides library services to persons with disabilities. Such feedback from a member of the public may be given by telephone, in person, in writing, in electronic format or through other accessible methods.


Any inquiries related to this Policy or requests for documents related to this Policy may be directed to library employees at any public service point. Employees will respond as they are able and may refer the inquiry within the organization, including to the Chief Librarian.

Availability of Documents

This Policy and related procedures and forms and the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan Report will be available on the Library’s website. Additionally, a copy of this Policy and related procedures and forms will be provided in an accessible format upon request. No fees will be charged for the provision of documents required by this Policy.