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The 3D printers will be available for public use with Makerspace staff assistance. To ensure that your print has the best chance of success and quality, staff will execute print jobs on behalf of Makerspace customers.

Long Print Days

Every Wednesday, we will be lifting the two hour time limit for our 3D printers. You will be able to print 3D designs that take more than two hours to print. We are allowing print jobs that can take all day to print (while the Makerspace is open).

  • The print should be done before the Makerspace closes. The Makerspace closes 30 minutes before the closing time of Central Library.
  • Booking is restricted to one print per person and only on one 3D printer
  • Booking needs to be made with a Makerspace staff either by phone or in person.
    • The Makerspace is located on the The Circuit 4.0 (4th floor of the Central Library.)
    • The Makerspace phone number is 905-546-3200 x3406.
  • Booking can be made one week in advance
  • First come, first served for same day bookings and walk-ins